Affiliate Bootcamp Training

By: John D. Hoover Jr

The goal of your webpage is to be authorative on the subject you are writing about, and enthused to draw the reader in. How to do this is through your webpage. It should be descriptive to the product or service, singling out you as being the best, or the most knowledgeable on the subject. The webpage must be easy to read and be well built. In the following paragraphs, I will break down the most important parts of a webpage, and how to design one.

Meta Tags

One of the first things you should be interested in is Search Engine Positioning. This is how your site is ranked on the search engines. The major factor is your Meta Tags, (The beginning of your HTML Page) enclosed with <head> data </head> tags. These have to be filled out correctly to get your targeted position on a search engine.

An example of Meta Tags is:

<title>Affiliate Program</title>
<meta name="description" content="High Paying Affiliate Program - Earn 30% Commission on Level One, and 10% Commission on Level Two! High Sales Product! Everyone has a need for Investigator 2000. Whether it is finding people, locating a phone number, doing your own background check, or finding the dirt on any one! Investigator 2000 is one the highest selling products to ever hit the internet! And now we are offering an insane commission rate! Signup today!!!">
<meta name="keywords" content="join affiliate program,affiliate marketing opportunities,affiliate programs for bloggers,affiliate marketing explained, marketing affiliate platform,affiliate marketing job,create affiliate links,affiliate program management,best paying affiliate programs,top 10 affiliate programs, start affiliate marketing for free,best affiliate sites,high affiliate marketing,best affiliate programs for bloggers,affiliate programy,affiliate creative market,top affiliate, affiliate marketing business model,affiliate sign up,top affiliate marketing companies,join affiliate marketing,affiliate tools,affiliate marketing sign up, the best affiliate marketing programs,top affiliate programs 2020,seo affiliate,freelancer affiliate program,online courses affiliate programs,best affiliate products, affiliate networks for beginners,affiliate marketing commission,affiliate marketing system,most profitable affiliate programs,make money online affiliate programs, top best affiliate programs,affiliate marketing training course,affiliate earning,affiliate page,affiliate marketing without investment,the best affiliate programs, best affiliate programs for beginners without a website,landing page for affiliate marketing,easy affiliate programs,best way to promote affiliate links,pro affiliate, affiliate marketing success,best affiliate platforms,affiliate marketing online course,best affiliate networks for merchants,affiliate programmes,affiliate course, step by step affiliate marketing,international affiliate programs,free affiliate marketing website,affiliate marketing marketplace,affiliate marketing is,brand affiliate programs, affiliate training,highest affiliate commissions,affiliate marketing business plan,program affiliate marketing,best affiliate marketing companies,online affiliate,easy affiliate links, affiliate marketing seo,find affiliate programs,affiliate marketing plan,online affiliate programs,affiliate marketing programs for bloggers,earn commission online,easy affiliate, top affiliate programs 2021,web affiliate,companies that offer affiliate programs,affiliate opportunities,affiliate marketing without a website 2020,internet affiliate marketing, best free affiliate marketing course,international affiliate marketing,affiliate program,affiliate,wealthy affiliate,affiliate marketing websites,best affiliate programs, affiliate marketing programs,high ticket affiliate marketing,affiliate links,affiliate marketing for beginners,affiliate marketing course,booking affiliate,affiliate network, affiliate marketing companies,affiliate marketing platforms,best affiliate programs for beginners,best affiliate marketing websites,affiliate website,high ticket affiliate programs, top affiliate programs,online affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing sites,best affiliate marketing programs,best affiliate programs 2020,affiliate marketing business,best affiliate marketing platforms,free affiliate programs, best affiliate websites,top paying affiliate programs,affiliate partner,world marketing affiliate platform,best affiliate marketing course,affiliate software,become an affiliate, highest paying affiliate programs,top affiliate marketers,affiliate sites,affiliate programs for beginners,affiliate products,learn affiliate marketing, best affiliate programs to make money,super affiliate network,affiliate marketing agency,affiliate marketing tips,free affiliate marketing course,software affiliate programs, affiliate business,affiliate commission,affiliate marketing for beginners 2020,best affiliate networks,affiliate marketing training,best affiliate programs 2021,best affiliate marketing, top affiliate marketing sites,affiliate platforms,affiliate marketing without a website,affiliate marketing programs for beginners,affiliate marketing for dummies, affiliate sales,affiliate marketing strategy,become an affiliate marketer,affiliate marketing products,top affiliate websites,start affiliate marketing,affiliate marketing networks, make money with affiliate marketing,affiliate companies,affiliate link promotion,affiliate marketing services,earn commission,about affiliate marketing,affiliate marketing earning, booking affiliate program,best affiliate marketing sites,affiliate ads,the super affiliate network,top affiliate networks,affiliate marketing income,join our affiliate program, affiliate paying,affiliate network sites,affiliate marketing links,affiliate marketing ideas,high ticket affiliate,affiliate offers,companies with affiliate programs, top 10 affiliate marketing websites,affiliate marketing app,affiliate bootcamp,affiliate marketing 101,affiliate marketing 2020,best affiliate,affiliate marketing earn money, education affiliate programs,free affiliate marketing,high commission affiliate programs">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<meta name="classification" content="Affiliate Program">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  1. The title tag is the name of your page. This will be shown on a search engine as the title. It should be descriptive and accurate.
  2. The description tag is the description of your website. This is the description which will be shown on a search engine. You want this to accurately describe your site with keywords in it.
  3. The keywords tag are words describing your product which people will search for. There should be enough keywords on it to accurately describe your product, about 20 -30 or so. You can find keywords with the Google Keyword Suggestion Tool.
  4. The revisit-after tag is how often a search engine should visit your page and index the changes. This should be enough time not to overload a search engine. Usually 7 days.
  5. The robots tag tells the search engine how to treat your page, if they should index it, and follow the links.
  6. The classification is the topic of your page.
  7. The copyright tag tells who is the owner of a webpage.
  8. The viewport is a tag which describes how to scale your webpage for smart devices. (Smart Phones, Tablets, Etc.)
  9. The </head> tag closes the Meta Tags. It should begin with <head>
  10. There should be a <body> tag after the <head> tag which connects the body of your page with no spaces in between it and your content. The <html> tag begins the page.
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  • Body

    Your webpage should accurately describe your product, with keywords throughout which will get search engines to rank your page higher. Your page should also describe how the customer can obtain your product with purchasing options in clear sight. Your page should also be very easy to navigate. You should aim to make the page easy to read and understand. This will provide an enjoyable experience to the user. The page should be medium in length, which should fully describe your product or service, and establish you as the leader.

  • Links

    You should offer a link exchange with other website owners. This shows your website is open, and can gain search engine positioning with relevant links. Relevant links are links with a topic related to yours. Pages with many links rank higher on search engines.

  • Menu

    The menu is the part of the webpage that really makes your page user friendly, and easy to navigate. You should have links that accurately describe your product or service, and contain keywords which standout and makes your page authoritive.

  • Footer

    The bottom of the page is called the footer. It should contain links which give an overview of your site or a map of your site, called a sitemap. Also, there should be your company name or contact details, including a telephone number, which makes it easy for your customers to contact you.

  • Links

    You want to build the link base of your website with other websites with similar, or related content. One way to do this is to ask them for a link. Simply E-Mail the webmaster, and say you have a similar or related website, and you would like to exchange links. Building a large page of related links is one way to rank high on a search engine, and you will get targeted warm sales leads.

  • Content

    Your content of the website should have a nice flow. There should be relevant keywords throughout and descriptive of your product or service. You should describe your product or service as though you are the leader in such a field. This makes your page overall enjoyable, and can increase your search engine positioning.

  • Catch Phrase

    This should be a one line description of your product or service, catchy to the reader, and overall descriptive of your product of service. If your page is about oil, something you can say is "Best in the Oil Business for 40 years", which describes what you do and establishes you as a leader in the field. On our page, for Investigator 2000, we use "Find out EVERYTHING about ANY ONE" which describes our product, and is catchy to the reader. This one line phrase should be in the top left corner, or similarly spaced in the top left of page.

  • Doorway Pages

    Also called Entry Pages, are HTML Pages which describe your product or service with a descriptive keyword. First, you find the highest traffic keywords, about 10 or so. Then, make a HTML Page about this one keyword, describing your product or service. Such as the doorway page in this example.
    You can get Free Web hosting and a Free Sub domain from the following companies:
    Award Space - Free Webhosting and 3 Free Subdomains (The File Manager is hard to use, however, it does work.)
    Byte Host - Free Webhosting and 1 Free Subdomain
    Royal Web Hosting - Free Webhosting and 3 Free Subdomains.
    Specify the keyword in the sub domain, such as the one I made here for the keyword People Search: And another for the keywords Search Criminal Records Background Search: You can use the data on these two pages to make your doorway pages. Once you figure out how to use the File Manager it is really easy.
    Once you have made a bunch of doorways, you can market them. The first thing to do is let search engines know about your pages. Submitting to search engines is easy, and free. Don't forget to use your Affiliate Link on the Doorways!
    Information on how to submit your website to search engines. Don't forget to make a XML Sitemap and specify a robots.txt file. Upload these to the base domain of your web server.
    Free places to submit your doorway pages:
    Entireweb Here is a short list of search engines to submit to. It is an automatic submission service, there are hundreds out there which submit automatically.
    FreeWebSubmission is another Free Service.
    Submit Express is another Free Service.
    Free-Web-Submission.Co.Uk is another Free Service.
    Submit Shop is another Free Service.
    Paid places to submit your doorway pages:
    1 Second - This site says it can submit your site to 1,600 Search Engines and Directories for $49.00. That is a good deal if they submit to all of them. There are thousands of paid places to submit to.


Now the hard work is done! Time for marketing! This is the fun part! And actually is the part where the rewards are realized, and where your hard work pays off. One of the best ways to find potential Business Partners and Affiliates (if the Affiliate Program is Residual), is to search for websites with the same topic and audience. Once you find a bunch, navigate to their contact page and E-Mail them, letting them know that their market is the same, and that a link, or that them joining the Affiliate Program would benefit both of you. (Explain to them that their market is the same, and an educational product would make their website better, and they make money on it, so it is a win-win relationship!) Everybody likes to win, and when you have a product that is educational, beneficial, and pays a high commission rate, you are geared to win!

Once the understanding of a beneficial relationship is agreed, you can tell them of the high commission rate. Everyone responds well when the commission rate is high. Money talks, however relevant information talks too. So be sure to explain the benefits of linking or signing up under the Affiliate. I was the Affiliate Marketing Director for a friends startup company when I was in college. I spent a few months contacting website owners and built an Affiliate Downline of several hundered Affiliates in only a few months. One of the tactics I used was E-zine Ads. One of my responsibilities as the Affiliate Marketing Director was writing an Internet Marketing E-zine every two weeks. I would contact other E-zine owners, and ask them to swap E-zine Ads. I created an E-zine Ad that Advertised our Affiliate Program, and would run their ad in our E-zine for exchange of running our ad in their E-zine. In most cases they agreed, once they were familiar with our products that were being advertised with the affiliate program. It worked, and the conversion rate was very high because they were warm leads (they were familiar with the E-zine owners E-zine). It worked well. Being creative is one of the tools you should have in your marketing toolbelt. In my previous company of nutritional supplements, I built an Affiliate Base of several thousand Affiliates within a year and a half.

It takes some time, but the rewards are great. (Our sales went from zero to a quarter million in one year.) I started a new conglomerate Corporation since, and am now focusing on building an Affiliate Base for dozens of products with a custom built Afffiliate Program. Ours can market Online and Offline (business cards and fliers) and Affiliates do not need a website to market (multi-beneficial). You can signup here and market a product that compliments your audience. So having a product with lots of rewards is very desirable, and also being creative!

The Marketing Checklist is:
- Meta Tags
- Doorways
- Submitting to Search Engines
- Social Marketing (contacting Website Owners)
- Explaining the Benefits
- Educating your viewers
- Targeted Placements (Where you put the Affiliate Advertisements)
- Social Media (Posting Affiliate Advertisements in Social Media, and talking about our products and Affiliate Program.)
- Building a warm leads contact list
- Finding New ways to market (Experimental Marketing)
- Paid Advertising (You could get tons of traffic for a penny a click on some search engines.)

This is our formula for winning. You will revisit these steps many times throughout your Marketing efforts, so be sure to complete them completely, and with the most explanation.

© Investigator 2000
2003 - 2024

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Luzerne, Pennsylvania
United States of America
Customer Service: 1(272)322-0117

* * A Hoover Products Corporation Company * *