Affiliate Bootcamp Training
By: John D. Hoover JrThe goal of your webpage is to be authorative on the subject you are writing about, and enthused to draw the reader in. How to do this is through your webpage. It should be descriptive to the product or service, singling out you as being the best, or the most knowledgeable on the subject. The webpage must be easy to read and be well built. In the following paragraphs, I will break down the most important parts of a webpage, and how to design one.
Meta Tags
One of the first things you should be interested in is Search Engine Positioning. This is how your site is ranked on the search engines. The major factor is your Meta Tags, (The beginning of your HTML Page) enclosed with <head> data </head> tags. These have to be filled out correctly to get your targeted position on a search engine.
An example of Meta Tags is:
<title>Affiliate Program</title>
<meta name="description" content="High Paying Affiliate Program
- Earn 30% Commission on Level One, and 10% Commission on Level Two!
High Sales Product! Everyone has a need for
Investigator 2000. Whether it is finding people, locating a phone
number, doing your own background check, or finding the dirt on any one!
Investigator 2000 is one the highest selling products to ever hit
the internet! And now we are offering an insane commission rate!
Signup today!!!">
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